Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Latest News: FDA Expands Warning to Consumers About Tainted Weight Loss Pills

(Date Posted: 1/9/2009) On January 8, 2009, the U.S. FDA expanded its nationwide alert to consumers about tainted weight loss pills that contain undeclared, active pharmaceutical ingredients. On December 22, 2008, FDA warned consumers not to purchase or consume 28 different products marketed for weight loss. Since that time, FDA analysis has identified 41 more tainted weight loss products that may put consumers’ health at risk. An FDA analysis found that the undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients in some of these products include sibutramine (a controlled substance), rimonabant (a drug not approved for marketing in the United States), phenytoin (an anti-seizure medication), phenolphthalein (a solution used in chemical experiments and a suspected cancer causing agent) and bumetanide (a diuretic). Some of the amounts of active pharmaceutical ingredients far exceeded the FDA-recommended levels, putting consumers' health at risk. Click on the link below for a complete list of the tainted weight loss products.

We offer SCIENCE-BASED - THERAPEUTIC levels of PURFIED botanicals to our clients.
There is a lot of crap on the market.
I would NOT Take a supplement from WALMART, GNC or these DISCOUNTERS online.
Click on the picture above to see reviews and a video of the product..

Transitions Testimonial in Health Magazine

Check out this month's Health Magazine for a look at how one woman lost half her body weight with the help of Transitions. You can view the article here or go to your local newsstand and pick up the January issue of Health Magazine.

Weight Loss for the New Year

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. Considering that 68% of Americans are overweight or obese it seems like there are plenty of individuals that could benefit from that resolution. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that most people don’t keep them and end up yo-yo dieting and actually becoming fatter than they were before they started trying to lose weight. Below are some tips to help you lose the weight in a healthy way and stick to your New Years goals.Be realistic: One of the biggest pitfalls for people trying to lose weight is setting unrealistic goals. They set goals that aren’t attainable and instead of getting energized they get discouraged and quit working toward their goals when they can’t meet them right away. The Transitions Daily Journal and your CTLC will help you set reasonable and attainable goals that will keep you motivated and moving toward success.Plan ahead:Don’t decide on January 1st that you are going to start living the Transitions Lifestyle. You will need some time to get prepared, find a class in your area and get rid of all the junk in your cupboards! Give yourself a week or two to prepare before starting the program that way you have a much better chance at success.Outline your plan:Deciding what your goals are is the first step, now you need to decide how you are going to reach them. Sit down with your CTLC and make out a plan for your weight loss. Will you do detox week or the 7 day Nutriclean? How are you going to avoid glutinous foods for the next 6 weeks? Where is exercise going to fit into your life? If you have a plan it is much harder to make excuses.Make a "pro" and "con" list: Staying motivated is one of the essentials to achieving your goals. Make a list of all the things you will be able to do once you lose weight and make a list of all the reasons being overweight is bad for you such as health concerns, lower self-esteem, poor mobility, etc.Talk about it: Tell your friends and family that you have decided to change your lifestyle and your health. Let them know the foods that you won’t be eating any longer and the actions you will be taking to achieve your goals. Tell them about Transitions™ and how it is going to change your life. Support is one of the best motivators you can have.Track your progress:Make sure you are tracking your meals, emotions, weight loss, inches, and body fat loss. Tracking your progress is a great way to stay on track because it keeps you accountable. You can track your progress in the Transitions Daily Journal or on the web site which ever way you choose make sure you stick to it.